Using a touchscreen to control the video archive
Swipe left/right |
Navigate back and forward |
Swipe left/right with 2 fingers |
Navigate fast back and forward (1 week) |
Swipe up/down |
Navigate fast back and forward (1 week) |
Using the keyboard to control the video archive
space |
Start / Stop video play |
f |
Fullscreen on / off |
b / 4 / left |
Previous video |
n / 6 / right |
Next video |
v / 9 / page up |
Navigate fast backward (-1 week) |
m / 3 / page down |
Navigate fast forward (+1 week) |
c / 7 / home |
First video in archive |
, / 1 / end |
Newest / Latest video in archive |
+ / x |
Fast video play |
- / y / z |
Slow video play |
Recommended Internet Browser: Chrome,
Internet Explorer: Internetoptions / Security / set Security-Level lower then High
livecam by redics